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Learn the foundations of computer science in this course. This video is lecture 0 of Harvard University's CS50 2018 course.
- @cs50
For those who are interested in computer science and programming but have no idea where to start and have little to no background information on coding.
- @NullPointer Exception
Learn about algorithms and data structures, two of the fundamental topics in computer science.
- @freeCodeCamp
Videos on various topics from the web development world. We primarily focus on JavaScript, React, and Next.js
- @jsmasterypro
YouTube channel with 1.8 million subscribers, an ex-Google employee teaches programming and computer science.
- @ykdojo
Web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies.
- @traversymedia
I train professional software engineers that companies love to hire.
- @moshhamedani
Intermediate React Tutorial - Todoist Clone (with Firebase, Custom Hooks, SCSS, React Testing)
- @karlhadwen
Features online Web Development and Programming tutorials presented simply and concisely
- @realDevSage
Working as an Engineer at Uber, I create videos on this channel to help people with Interview preparation, Tech Tutorials, and my personal Tips and Tricks to advance their career. Currently, I am making videos about Frontend Interview Tips, My Interview Experiences, and core concepts of Javascript. Go ahead to the video section and do check out all of them.
- @akshaymarch7
Black-belt your web development skills. Over 1000 free programming tutorials about Modern JavaScript (beginner to advanced), Node.js, React, Vue.js, Firebase, MongoDB, HTML & CSS, PHP & MySQL, Laravel, React Native, Flutter, and many more
- @thenetninjauk