
Build 5 JavaScript & React Projects

The ultimate course, which will help you become a master of APIs by Building Real Industry Applications.

- @jsmasterypro


Project-based learning

A list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into different primary programming languages. Tutorials may involve multiple technologies and languages.


Build 30 things in 30 days with pure JavaScript

So, you've done a few courses and read a few books but still don't feel great about your relationship with JavaScript. How do you get better?

- @wesbos


How to build your own Uber-for-X app

Today, there are a variety of startups focused around Uber-for-X apps. The thinking goes that, what Uber did for cabs, they can surely do for other supply/demand problems.

- @booleanhunter


Build a chat application using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, and Web Sockets

Build a basic chat room.

- @flaviocopes


Full-stack Redux tutorial

Develop an application for organizing live votes for parties, conferences, meetings, and other gatherings of people.

- @teropa


Build a real-world application from scratch with pure JavaScript

This tutorial guides you through building a web application in pure JavaScript step-by-step.

- @codingsmartway


Make Flappy Bird in HTML5 with Phaser

Get your hands dirty with building 2D web games.

- @thomaspalef


Build an appointment scheduler using React, Twilio, and Cosmic JS

Build a modular, easy to extend appointment scheduler to both give others easy access to our time while saving more of it for ourselves.

- @TonySpiro


Build a simple Twitter Bot with Node.js

Tutorials don’t have to be complicated. Together we’ll build a simple Twitter favorite bot with Node.js in just 38 lines of code.

- @BrandonMorelli


Build a simple AI chatbot with Node.js

Build a chatbot that accepts voice commands helping people with physical or cognitive disabilities or injuries.

- @girlie_mac


Create a Discord bot with Node.js

Use JavaScript and Node.js to build your own Discord bot completely in the cloud.

- @freeCodeCamp


Build a Trello clone with React

Step by step tutorial on how to create a Trello clone with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

- @bigardone


Build a Medium clone on Node.js and React.js

Build a full-stack project by cloning Medium and on Node.js and React.js


Build a Yelp clone with React

Build a full React app, even with little to no experience in the framework.

- @auser


Create a character voting app with React, Node, MongoDB, and SocketIO

You will learn how to build a REST API with Node.js, save and retrieve data from MongoDB, track online visitors in real-time using Socket.IO, build a single-page app experience using React + Flux with server-side rendering and then finally deploy it to the cloud.

- Sahat Yalkabov


HTML Tutorials

These tutorials use HTML5 - the best, most modern flavor of HTML to use.

- @htmldog


Learn Git Branching

Most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web.

- @petermcottle


Build a tic tac toe game using pure JavaScript

Apply your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by building a Tic Tac Toe game.

- @Sathish78382403


Build a delightful loading screen in 5 minutes

Build a loading screen like Slack's using plain CSS.

- @OhansEmmanuel


Build a chat app with sentiment analysis using Next.js

Build a realtime chat application with sentiments. With sentiment analysis, we will be able to detect the mood of a person based on the words they use in their chat messages.

- @BrandonMorelli


CSS Tutorials

Everything in these tutorials comply with CSS3. That’s the freshest, healthiest, sparkliest flavour of CSS.

- @htmldog


Build a simple weather app with Vanilla JavaScript

Build a simple, yet fully functional weather app with Vanilla JavaScript.

- georgemartsoukos.com


JavaScript Design Patterns

Dofactory helps developers succeed with JavaScript Design Patterns

- @dofactory


Build an HTML calculator app using JavaScript

Build a calculator like an iPhone calculator (without the +/- and percentage functionalities).

- @zellwk


React testing with Puppeteer and Jest

How to use Puppeteer and Jest to perform End-to-End Testing on your React App.

- @geeky_writer_
